Applications and programme eligibility


Once you have applied for your programme, you will receive a confirmation email. Good luck!

If the programme is on demand:

  • You will be automatically enrolled and can start the programme immediately. This applies to both Virtual Work Experience and Subject Spotlights

  • If the Cohort or On Demand programme or experience is not yet live, you can apply and will be automatically added to the waiting list. When the programme hits its live date, you will automatically be enrolled.

Can I apply to multiple programmes?

Yes, you can sign up for multiple programmes with us. The live talks will be available as recordings, so you can catch up on any potential clashes.

Who can take part in the programme? (Age limits, some programmes have location constraints but most don’t etc.)

Most of our programmes require students to be in school/college. Some programmes require students to be based in specific regions of the UK, this is stipulated by the organisations themselves and is not defined by Springpod.

However, the ages mentioned on our programmes are more of a guideline than a strict limit. As such, we more than welcome older students to apply as well!